Myung Joon Han
of KAIST Institute for interdisciplinary research, Korea
Title: Reduced dimensionality and emerging material property in perovskite oxide superlattices: A first-principles study
Biography: Myung Joon Han
Artificially-structured oxide superlattice is a fascinating playground for the new material functionality originated from strong electronic ‘correlation’. When the conventional bulk material becomes 2D-like, the intriguing ‘correlated phenomena’ can emerge as a result of cooperation between the spin, orbital, and lattice degree of freedom. As one typical example, we present our calculation results on the nickelate superlattice, LaNiO3/LaAlO3. Based on the first-principles density functional theory calculation combined with the state-of-the-art ‘many-body’ techniques, we examined the possibility of unconventional superconductivity and emerging magnetic order in the thin LaNiO3-limit. The dynamic as well as static ‘correlation effect’ has been analyzed and the results are compared with recent experimental reports.