Valentyn A Nastasenko
Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
Title: On the possibility of refining the gravitational constant and solving the task of integrating the gravitational and electromagnetic fields
Biography: Valentyn A Nastasenko
Currently gravitational constant G is defined up to 5 characters, that is 2 or 3 orders of magnitude less than the accuracy of other fundamental physical constants – the speed c of light in vacuum and Planck’s constant h. However in the Earth conditions the possibility of increasing the accuracy of defining G experimentally has reached its technical limit, which requires the search of new fundamental approaches. For this purpose the original approach is suggested and the system of calculated dependences resulted from fundamental physical constants c, G, h, as well as from Planck’s values of length lp, time tp and mass mp, is obtained allowing to refine the presently known value of the gravitational constant G by 3 orders. Scientific discoveries are put of the solution this problem:
1) The possibility of expressing the fundamental physical constants in the framework of their dimension in terms of their Planck’s values lp, tp, mp [1] found in which for the gravitational constant G amounts to (1) [2]:
2) Next transformed constant G of this basis
3) this allowed on a strict basis to determine the wave parameters of the gravitational field:
4) 1-th work hypnotize of this: paper νp – is quantum parameter of time 1 second [3] and can be expressed by an exact number of νp =7.4∙1042(s-1)Of this basis gravitational constant, at the strict physical (3) and mathematical level, amounts the value with the accuracy of up to 9 characters (4) [4]:
Taking into account the obtained wave characteristics [5] it can be strictly maintained that gravitational field can only by unified with electromagnetic field having the same wave characteristics. Thus, It can be summed up that unification of given fields is possible only on Plank’s level. This conclusion is confirmed number physical and mathematical level [5].