Utpal Chatterjee
University of Virginia, USA
Utpal Chatterjee has completed his PhD from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2007. Afterwards, he conducted his postdoctoral studies at Matreials Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory with Director’s fellowship. He joined University of Virginia in 2012. His reserach is focussed on experimental study of strongly correlated electronic systems. His principal expertise in Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. His reserach over past 10 years has produced a number of high impact publications, which include Nat. Commun, 2015; 6: 6313 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms 7313, Nat. Phys. 10, 357; PNAS 110, 17774; PNAS 108, 9346; Nat. Phys. 6, 99; PRL 96, 107006.