Yshai Avishai
Ben Gurion University, Israel
Yshai Avishai (PhD at Weizmann institute), is a professor of theoretical condensed matter Physics at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva Israel. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and during 2008-2014 he served as a Divisional Associate Editor for Physical Review Letters. In 2014 he was an Outstanding Referee for APS journals. Professor Avishai served as head of the Physics Department at Ben Gurion University, as head of the Ilse-Katz Center for Nanotechnology, as member of the Judging Committees, for Israel prize in Physics and the Emet prize for exact Sciences. He is the author of 235 papers in high level journals including Physical Review Letters and Nature, and an author of three books in Physics. Professor Avishai occasionally serves as Faculty Member at NYU-Shanghai University, and he is an affiliated professor (2017) of the Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics at Kyoto Japan. He visited and worked in numerous institutes around the world, Including Argonne National Laboratories, Lyon, Saclay, Orsay, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido and others. Professor Avishai holds also a second degree in Economics and speaks numerous languages including French and Japanese. He is also an amateur Piano player.
Abstract : Spin-orbit interaction and topological states in spin 3/2 cold atomic gas