Akira Ishibashi
Hokkaido University, Japan
Akira Ishibashi completed his PhD in 1990 from Dept. of Phys., the University of Tokyo. He joined Sony Corp. Res. Ctr., 1983 and achieved the world first room-temperature CW operation of blue laser diode based on ZnMgSSe II-VI materials in 1993. He was a visiting faculty of Loomis Lab., Dept. Phys., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990-1991, and a visiting Professor at Inst. for Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku Univ. in 1998. Since 2003, he has been a Professor heading Nanostructure Physics Lab., RIES, Hokkaido University.
Abstract : Clean unit system platform in